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some of da producs |
31 December 2010
YES (year end sale) promotion
28 December 2010
A few days heading to new year
22 December 2010
Di Kala Masa Senggang
1st story. ni apa yg aku terpandang kelmarin/smlm. tgh dk bejalan nk ke main opis. it's nutin much. just tgh dok jln2 tu mata ni dk melilau la kn sesambil temani daku bejln. then mata aku terpandang la kt satu group org yg tgh berjalan dr arah yg bertentangan. ada pakcik2. ada org pompuan. then scara xsngaja terpandang kt muka sorang akak/makcik. muka dia mcm resah, gelisah, mcm agak kurang kompiden. wondering why. waahhh.. stok nyebok dh hasut kpala. pastu sesambil dk bejalan tu satu tgn dia ltk kt paras dada. dh namanya tgh berjalan kn. makin dekat, then daku terperasan lagi. masyaAllah.. no wonder la wajah akak tu kelihatan mcm tu. she just got one breast n the other one mmg segar je kelihatan. mmg ketara perbezaan. no one knows until the eyes was dere (xde niat nk buka aib akak tu or enitim ok.just wanna share sumthin utk sama2 kita saling igt mengingati jua supaya kt sume slalu bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada/masih ada). masyaallah.. then i know n understand la why kn. akak ni menghidap kanser payudara mgkn. atau mgkn juga cancer suvivor. i dunno. just wish da best utk akak tu. smoga dia terus tabah & sabar dlm menghadapi ujian dari Allah. dia letakkan tgn dia kt situ supaya org lain xprasan, xnmpk kekurangan diri dia. mgkn dia sgt segan. kak, it's ok. we understand. it's not something dat u want it to be pn kn. itu dugaan Allah. ye. mmg sgt mudah bg org yg melihat berkata-kata. berat mata yg memandang, berat lg bahu yg memikul. yes. itu teramatlah benar. terus bedesup, terdetik di hati aku, "owwhhh, mcm ni la kesan keadaan org yg kena kanser payudara ni..kesian akak ni.." ok. sgt berharap akak tu xprasan pandangan mata aku dh terjatuh kt situ. jua kata-kata hati kecilku. sy mtk maaf byk2 kak. sy xsngaja. pantas gk terdetik kt hati, slagi sihat ni, slagi mampu, slagi ok, jagalah pemakanan, jagalah kesihatan fizikal dan mental. amalkan pemakanan yg sihat. amalkan gaya hidup sihat.
dr pembacaan ke dr apa yg aku dgr ntah, xpasti yg mana satu. mgkn dua2 kot. kanser ni terjadi kesan dari pemakanan, emosi yg negatif (tekanan dan yg sewaktu dgnnya-berpanjangan/kerap sgt kalo xsilap), jua faktor genetik/keturunan. kepada sesape yg keturunan dia ada yg menghidap kanser atau penah menghidap kanser, anda mgkn berisiko. rajin-rajinkanlah diri wt pemeriksaan sendiri payudara. (waaahhh.. ckp kt org reti. aku pn xwt lg. ni utk diri aku gk la kn). siyes takut woo. dr segi emosi. pandangan mata masyarakat. dr segi treatment. mmg kena tabah habis. smoga smua insan2 yg tgh sakit, yg alami masalah kesihatan terus tabah, terus sabar dlm menghadapi kesakitan/penyakit yg mereka alami. smoga mereka sume cepat sembuh. smoga mereka sume mendapat layanan dan rawatan yg terbaik. smoga ahli keluarga mereka jua tabah & terus sbr. insyaAllah. amin..
oke. itu part yg aku tgk smlm. stori 2. dlm beberapa mgu lepas scara xsngaja aku ternampak kejadian/keadaan ni. masa tu tgh berjalan menuju ke tmpt aku letak keta. eh. yeke? ke patah blk nk g mana ek? xigt la. tp time tu dh lepas opis hour la. time tu mmg aku tgh bejln la. tgh dk bejln kt laluan yg kebiasaannya sunyi xsunyi sgt tu, tetiba aku dgr ada org berlari dr arah belakang. bnyi mcm ckp2 cemas. dlm grup yg agak ramai la jgk. beberapa org gitu. aku andaikan mereka tu satu famili la kot tgkkan mereka time tu. then yg sorang pompuan ni trus lari laju sket berbanding yg lain. aku dh pelik ni. then depan sket, aku tgk pmpuan yg berlari tu terduduk kt tmpt org ramai2 gk kt dpn tu (dlm beberapa org gk). makin aku dkt, makin jelas, dgr org nangis2, suara2 cemas. paling ketara org pompuan yg berlari tadi tu la. katanya, (aku pn dh igt2 lupa ni. ala2 gini la ek) "mak..bangun mokk..bangun mokk.. ore jago mok molek dh. ore wk blako dh. bangun mokk.." nmpk ada sorang pmpuan dh agak berusia terbaring. then terdetik la kt hati aku "innalillah..patut la berlari td. errr.. mak dia dh meninggal ke? yeke? try la bwk g tmpt emergency cpt2. kot boleh diselamatkan lg.." then dtg la sorang pakcik pengawal. smpi dkt, dia pn check la tgk makcik yg terbaring tu. then katanya makcik tu pengsan je tu. ada lagi. dia swuh dorang bwk g emergency. ok. syukur alhamdulillah. makcik tu belum lg meninggal oke. mgkn dia xsihat atau sakit kot. smoga makcik tu cpt sembuh dan cepat pulih. lepas tu aku dh xtau apakah al kisahnya. sbb aku truskn pejalanan aku.. tu pn sesambil melintasi tmpt tu aku tgk dan dgr sume tu.. tringt my mom time tu. smoga mama+papa dipjgkn umur+dikurniakan kesihatan tubuh badan yg sihat walafiat oleh Yg Maha Esa. amin..
olait. so far, itu aje lah stori mori jua cite teladan utk kali ni. smoga kita sume sama2 menjaga kesihatan, saling menyayangi sesama insan+umat Islam. sama2 berbakti kepada kedua ibubapa. jua smoga sentiasa bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi.. hope we all hav a wonderful day..
04 December 2010
Back to the old days..

da poster yee..

dis poster yg ai paling laik..
da hero masaking kt umahnya

ni masakan yg asalnya jejaskn reputasi chef ni pada awalnya.. dia kena sabotaj sbnrnya.. chait. tp lps tu bejaya oke. good moral value

antara time pertandingan mencari pewaris pisau tukang msk diraja
da heroin.. yeahhh!!! cool
**olait.. itu sahaja. sekian. hikhik..sambung bikin tujuan jua niat asal.. tp soda time menghampiri 2am ni. haipp. leka ni... zasssstttt...
01 December 2010
baby Qistina





30 November 2010
Birthday Asyraf @ Cem
01 November 2010
Suda masuk musim tengkujuh ka??
18 October 2010
inside of me





10 October 2010
yesss!!today adalah 10.10.10..
30 September 2010
Neroli Jasmine Perfume Oil - FOR SALE

19 September 2010
7 tips/trick utk pantaskn tahap metabolisma (utk selim melim)
Haluuu.. slamat meneruskn mood raya ebirebadi.. hikhik.. mesti sume2 kekenyangan yg amat kn time raya nih ha. mmg haros la gitu kn. gaya mkn xhengat pnya. ni sbb daku pn gitu. akaka.. olait. tgh sesaje melihat lihat di laman sesawang neh ha. ado lah ha kt inche yahoo tu daku terlihat ini tajuk. kasi klik dan tgk. oke. mnarik. utk sesama selim melim dan miliki pewot yg kempis kiut, moh le kt sesama bekongsi pengetahuan ni ha. moh le kite. slamat membaca ye eberibadi..
7 Tricks to a Speedier Metabolism
By Lucy Danziger, the Editor-in-Chief of SELF magazine
Some people are lucky: They seem to be born with a naturally high metabolism and slender physique that requires little exercise and calorie counting to maintain. My mother, God bless her, is one such person. I am not! So it’s a good thing I love to run, bike and swim. But when SELF asked experts about the habits that slow metabolism, I was surprised by some of their answers—and guilty of a few no-no’s myself (see number 1...and 2...and...). Fortunately, these habits are also totally fixable. Start paying attention to them today, and you’ll become one of the lucky ones—or at least look like one—in no time!
1. Scrimping on shut-eye
Catching zzz’s may help you stay slim, reveals research presented at the annual American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego. In the study of more than 68,000 women, those who slept seven hours weighed 5.5 pounds less than women who slept five hours or less. Pulling frequent all-nighters may slow your metabolism, impairing your body’s ability to utilize food and nutrients as energy so they get stored as fat instead, scientists say.
2. Stressing out
When you’re on edge, you’re likely to sleep less and eat more, which can affect your thyroid, a gland that produces hormones which regulate metabolism, body temperature, heart rate and more. If your thyroid’s not producing enough of those hormones, it can slow your metabolism and other body functions, leading to weight gain, depression and fatigue. Take time for yourself daily to keep both your thyroid and metabolism humming at optimal levels.
3. Skipping breakfast
People often tell me they hate breakfast foods; I tell them, find something you can eat within an hour of waking up! Missing a morning meal is the worst thing you can do. It slows metabolism and depletes your body of the fuel it needs to function optimally, explains celebrity nutritionist Joy Bauer, R.D. But what you eat matters as much as the fact that you eat something. Simple, unrefined carbohydrates—as in a breakfast muffin or pastry—signal the brain to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that brings on calm when you most want to be up and at ’em. Also, your body digests simple carbs quickly, sending blood sugar soaring and then plummeting, resulting in an energy crash. Try to start each day with a breakfast that contains at least 5 grams of protein, which activates the production of norepinephrine, a neurochemical that increase heart rate and alertness. The nutrient also digests slowly, so blood sugar and energy levels stay stable. Try an omelet made with 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup chopped broccoli, 1/4 cup chopped onion and 1 oz lowfat shredded cheese; it delivers an impressive 22 g protein per serving.
4. Staying seated
Get out of that chair! Staying on your feet revs metabolism and doubles your calorie burn during workdays, a study in Diabetes reports. Sitting for a few hours switches off enzymes that capture fat in the bloodstream, but standing up and getting active reignites them. Surrender your seat when possible (e.g., during phone calls) to start reaping benefits.
5. Eating junk food
I love a French cruller as much as the next gal, but it turns out doughnuts can be double diet trouble. Not only do sugary, fatty treats add calories and fat to your daily tally (a Dunkin’ Donuts cruller packs 250 calories and 20 g fat), but they can also encourage your body to store more fat. Junk food might stimulate a gene that encourages your body to store excess fat, causing you to gain weight over time, a study in The FASEB Journal reveals. (In the study, mice without the troublemaking gene had 45 percent lower body fat after eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet for 16 weeks compared to critters with the gene who ate the same diet.) Quell a sweet craving with berries or an orange: They’re high in vitamin C, a nutrient that can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, suggests research from Arizona State University at Mesa.
6. Falling into a workout rut
I hear it all the time: “I’ve almost reached my goal weight, but those last 5 (stubborn!) pounds just won’t come off.” Sound familiar? Weight loss can stall along the way partly because you get smaller. As you shrink, there is less of you to provide energy for, so you actually start to need fewer calories. These plateaus can last weeks, so rather than get frustrated, try new workouts or ways to eat healthy to keep your metabolism going strong and your body burning even more calories than before.
7. Dodging the weight room
Although cardio sessions turn up the heat and burn big-time calories (which is why I run, bike or swim most mornings and still enjoy dessert!), lifting weights helps you build calorie-burning lean muscle, says Jeffrey Garber, M.D., author of The Harvard Medical School Guide to Overcoming Thyroid Problems (McGraw-Hill). And with more lean muscle, you extend the burn to when you’re just sitting at your desk or in the car. Add weight-bearing exercises like planks, lunges, squats and tricep dips to your workouts three times a week, and you’ll see toning results like you’ve never experienced before!
08 September 2010
Salam Aidilfitri

24 August 2010
simple n easy.yummy...


05 August 2010
26 July 2010



14 July 2010
Pagi --------->>> petang...

